5 Secrets To Boost Your Marketing Frequency

Creative Thinks Media
4 min readJul 23, 2019


Running a marketing campaign is quite common for brand awareness. It increases the revenue for any business. But it is not that easy as it seems. It takes a good amount of effort and proper planning. Different companies use different ways and almost all mediums to reach out to their target audience. In such a case, you need to use more than one medium to tell your customers about your products and services. Moreover, customers are engaged with different types of media in a day. Therefore, with the right strategy, one can reach the target audience through Creative Thinks Media.

Here Are Some Tips For Doing The Same.

1. Reinforcement of message: In order to reach to your audience and staying in their mind, till they turn out to be your customers, you need to boost your messages. Suppose you are advertising your product through radio then you need to use magazine advertising as well. The first ad can be appealing to ears and the other one will be appealing to the eyes. In both cases, you will have to ensure, both are similar in terms of the core message and are supporting each other. This way you will be reinforcing the same message through two different ways. The reason why one needs to use multiple ways to reinforce the core message is it will speak about and provide support in terms of visual, audio, etc. This triggers the mind through different means and creates an influence on the audience.

2. Retargeting the audience: We know both radio and print media advertising is effective. We can use them for targeting our target audience and convey our messages to them easily. You can reach to adults, teenagers, retired people, women, and many others for spreading your brand awareness among them. This can be done by researching thoroughly about the target audience and then curating an ad based on their interest, preferences, etc. Retarget them through other means. Such as if you are running a print media ad then make sure to use radio and television advertising as well. But one thing you need to keep in mind and that is the core message has to be similar in all forms of advertising. Else you will confuse and turn off your potential customers.

3. Have an all-over presence: There is no secret tip to deliver a message to your audience and turn them into your potential client. In order to boost the marketing frequency of your brand, you need to be present everywhere. This can be understood as, your target audience will listen to the radio while driving a car, cooking in the kitchen or while jogging. Similarly, they will go through the magazine as well. Now, you need to have your presence in this. This will help them in knowing that your brand is everywhere and quite famous. You need to display your ads in the magazine that they read on their desk or at their home. Also, the station which is preferred by your target audience should broadcast your ads. The presence should be for weeks or for months. This will surely increase and boost your marketing frequency.

4. Loyalty Offer: When you have some existing customers and audiences then you need to make them feel special. You can do the same by introducing some membership or a loyalty program for your existing customers. This can be called as a way to express gratitude and promoting your brand in return. You can then engage your loyal customers with your brand more than before. There are various ways to this. Such as giving them offers and discount. But the discount and offer should not be random. It should depend upon what your customers want and need. As a result, existing customers will become frequent buyers. For this, you don’t need to worry about the risk as your existing customers are already aware of your brand.

With these steps, you can increase the frequency of your marketing. Giving rewards and retargeting the audience can give you a significant result. We at Creative Thinks Media believe in helping business owners for the same and increasing their brand awareness among people. In addition to this, Creative Thinks Media gives time for your brand marketing.



Creative Thinks Media

We are a creative advertising agency in India, giving value for the clients money, making sure the brand campaigns are always driven with innovation.